Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Joaquin Phoenix has apparently stopped acting, grown a beard, and started a career as a rapper.

Here he is performing in Vegas.

Please note the backdrop.

Here he is after the same show, falling over in a big way.


eyes like tar said...

He seems like a douche. lol.

yayaclaws said...
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Annie Incogneato said...

he must not be very good at the logics either. he seems to have written GOOD BYE! the correct way when his hands are facing him.
so the conversation should go something like:
INTERVIEWER "joaquin, you wrote BYE! GOOD..."
JOAQUIN "no, no man i wrote right you see..."
-joaquin turns hands towards self.-
INTERVIEWER "i think those frogs did eat your brain..."

Elsa said...

i just saw a thing about him on access hollywood, and they were being really mean and saying things like wacky joaquin and weird joaquin. and also, apparently, he doesn't talk to the press anymore, and he is forever wearing sunglasses.

yayaclaws said...

I like him, I just wish he wouldn't rap.

Unknown said...

I fully support his choice to rap poorly while wearing NAVY BLUE SWEATERS.

Unknown said...

Also...did you see his appearance on letterman...guy was trippin' balls.